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Photo Update 696

Caged Gurlz

We went to a bar and woke up in this cage.

We were chained up and not sure what

 was going on but noticed that there were a couple

of men hanging out.  One of them came over and

took us one by one outside the cage and used a

whip on us, well almost all of us.  When it became

my turn I pleaded and begged to not be spanked.

I told him I would do anything to not be spanked.

I got down on my knees and continued to beg.

He told me to kiss his feet, I did.

He then said well since you will do anything

then you can come with me :)

so we left, boy were those other girls mad

Come on inside and see lots of pics of

spanking and you even get to see one

of the girls squirt and make a huge

wet spot on the cement.


Next week they let us out and we get

in the pool.....  see ya inside





Southern Sephora
Blue Sapphire



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