Pornography is 100% Legal in all 50 States.
The 1st amendment gives you the freedom to view:
Porn, Porno, Pornography, dirty pictures, nudies, filthy pictures, and
any other name you can come up with.
However Obscene material is not legal. So how do you know the difference?
Is a naked woman obscene - NO
Is a naked man obscene - NO
Is a naked woman and a naked man having consensual sex (oral, anal or vaginal etc.)
obscene - NO
Is a group of people having consensual sex obscene - NO
Is Hardcore Porn obscene - NO
Is a girl using a dildo obscene - NO
The list can go on and on.....
Ok, so what would probably be considered obscene?
Recent obscenity charges have been filed for one site that
specialized in women defecating (Bowel movement). So that might be considered
Obscenity charges have also been filed against people who deal in pictures containing
Actual Rape
Sex with Animals
Are these things mentioned above obscene? Well, no one knows until a 12 panel jury
says yes or no.
Please take the time to check out these links, educate youself and your
friends and be sure you know your rights,
because if you don't stand up for them and fight for them, the rights you enjoy might not
be there in the future.
Lawrence G. Walters, Esq
Internet Freedom Association
Ynot Legal
The Adult Webmaster