Well hello there!
My name is Scarlett Taylar and I am so glad you've found my page!
I was a 22 year old college student when I started my site here on Southern
Charms. Now I am a married MILF! I am much more sexually experienced now and am much less
shy! I used to be very conservative and now I'll get naked just about anywhere I won't get
arrested for it :D
I am a big nerd and enjoy playing video games, Dungeons & Dragons, super
heros (Batman is my favorite!), Harry Potter (I have a Harry Potter quote tattooed on my
right forearm!), and board games. I have three tattoos and several piercings, many of
which I sadly don't wear regularly due to working in corporate America.
I love to watch movies, read, cook, bake, sing karaoke, spend time with
friends and family, and travel.
If you are interested in learning more about me, please email me and let's